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Author bio

Elisabeth Giffin Speckman

Elisabeth Giffin Speckman is an actress, director, and writer who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana with her husband, son, and fat 23-toed cat, Fingers. She received her MFA in Fiction from Butler University. She is an adjunct instructor at Butler and IUPUI, and teaches youth theatre and writing classes throughout the Indianapolis area. She is director of the Butler Bridge Program, a creative writing program for central Indiana students grades 3-12, and is a lead teacher for Butler's creative writing summer camp. Her plays have been workshopped and/or produced in Indiana, Ohio, Florida, Connecticut, California, New York, and British Columbia. Her short play, Brothers on a Hotel Bed, is featured in Stage It! 2: Thirty 10-Minute Plays. Other work appears or in Midwestern Gothic, CHEAP POP, Pidgeonholes, Three Line Poetry, and Flash Fiction Magazine. Many of her plays can be found on the New Play Exchange. 


My Heart is A Kaleidoscope © 2019 Elsabeth Giffin Speckman

Reprinted by permission • All rights reserved by the author

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